As for me and My House, we will serve the Lord. – Joshua 24:15

A few years ago Archbishop Naumann had parishes show this My House video, preach about the issue, and provide the accompanying materials during the first, second or third Sunday of Lent. 

Sadly, this message is still timely because there remains an alarming amount of young Catholic children and adults who have been negatively affected by pornography.  If you have a family with minors in the home or concerned about pornography’s danger to your marriage, watch this video and review these materials.

We are grateful to Archbishop Naumann, Matthew Kelly, Dr. Todd Bowman, Detective Jason Steinke, and Mark & Erin Schneider for their inspiring words in this video. The story of the 8-year old boy was based on a true story and filmed with professional actors with fictitious names to protect the anonymity of the family. This video was made possible through the generosity of the Loretto Foundation.

Samples of Homilies / Talking Points: